Автомобиль выехал на железнодорожные пути и столкнулся с электропоездом. В ДТП погибла пассажирка такси, сообщили в пресс-службе ГУ МВД России по Петербургу.Автомобиль выехал на железнодорожные пути в момент и столкнулся с электропоездом, В ДТП погибла пассажирка такси, сообщили в пресс-службе ГУ МВД России по Петербургу
The main conceptual idea of the text is a tragic fatal collision between a taxi and an electric train in theВсеволожском district of Leningrad Oblast, Russia.
The taxi driver, driving a Geely Coolray, ignored a red light and entered the railway crossing, where he was hit by an oncoming passenger train. This resulted in the death of a female passenger in the taxi. Police are currently investigating the incident to determine the full circumstances of the crash.
The main conceptual idea of the text is a tragic fatal collision between a taxi and an electric train in theВсеволожском district of Leningrad Oblast, Russia. The taxi driver, driving a Geely Coolray, ignored a red light and entered the railway crossing, where he was hit by an oncoming passenger train. This resulted in the death of a female passenger in the taxi. Police are currently investigating the incident to determine the full circumstances of the crash.